Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The Big Move to Northwest Arkansas!

It's true. Yesterday we loaded the U-Haul and made the drive to Northwest Arkansas! The whole process has been bittersweet but we are blessed to have the Lord's peace in that He lead us here. We are so thankful for our time in Branson and CofO. The Lord has used so many people to shape us more like Him. We are grateful for the opportunities to learn, serve and grow with amazing friends and family at Lilleys' Landing, FBC Branson, & BSU. Actually, we were not actively looking to leave. Our hearts were truly planning to stay, but willing to go.

It all started last Fall when a friend suggested Jimmy's name in the hunt for a worship leader at Fellowship Bible Church of Northwest Arkansas. As conversations began, Jimmy and I had a sense of peace as we began to learn about how God has been working through His people at Fellowship, and allow them to get to know us. Things progressed very naturally. In December we came down for a visit/interview and were warmly welcomed. On January 22nd Jimmy lead three Sunday services. The next day he was offered the position as worship leader for the Sunday morning services. All through this process I've prayed for the Lord's peace and clarity above all. Jimmy and I both felt the Lord's leading to go. 

So needless to say, we accepted the position are now in the process of calling Northwest Arkansas home. Excitement has been contained, until now! We worked hard to not get ahead of the interview process and allow the Lord to lead us, rather than be enamored with a new opportunity. However, we are so convinced that God has paved the way - it is now a matter of obedience. 

We are in a rental house near the church while we doing some house hunting. Jimmy will officially start at Fellowship on March 1st and his first Sunday to lead will be March 4th. He is excited to pour himself into the people at Fellowship doing the thing he would even do for free - be a lead worshiper. I will continue to work part-time for Lilleys' Landing doing their marketing from home. 

Throughout this process Jimmy and I feel so blessed by the Lord's love and grace, and how He has let that flow through community. We are so thankful for the love and support from family, friends, and the communities at FBC Branson and BSU. We pray the Lord receive all the glory as we strive to hold all of this life with an open hand and follow Him. 

He is so faithful!

In Him,

Jim & Megs


  1. Oh man, I'm so excited for you guys! Great people and good memories of worship ministry at Fellowship from my JBU days... and I can totally see you in NW Arkansas :)

  2. very excited for you guys!! When I was a teen Fellowship was THE church to attend. Sounds like they're kicking up the cool factor with ya'll as the newest staff members!

    maybe we'll see you around town when we're down visiting my parents. or around this town when you're up here visiting. :)
